AGM 2024
If you run a Karangahape Road business, you are invited to our district's Annual General Meeting on
23rd October 2024 at Abstract Hotel, 8 Upper Queen Street.
AGM 2023
If you run a Karangahape Road business, please join us for our district's Annual General Meeting on
Wednesday 25th October 2023 from 5:30pm to 7pm at 74 Karangahape Road.
Special General Meeting 2023
Wednesday 21st June 2023, commencing at 3.30pm
Karangahape Road Business Association, Shop 8, 59 Pitt Street (entrance via Beresford Square)
The intention of the SGM is to consider and pass as a Special Resolution the following motion:
“That the Karangahape Road Business Association adopt the updated Constitution”
Auckland Council have updated the BID Policy over the past few years and this comes into effect 1 July 2023.
Our constitution has been reviewed by BID lawyer Grant Hewison and his advice is that, to be compliant with the new policy, we need to change our rule 18.5 from:
"For the purpose of Executive Committee meetings, a quorum shall be established if the number of members of the Executive Committee attending and entitled to vote is more than 50% of the total number of voting members of the Executive Committee for the time being."
To: "For the purpose of Executive Committee meetings, a quorum shall be established if the number of members of the Executive Committee attending and entitled to vote is five or more."
The Council BID team has asked for a few other minor changes to wording to better align our constitution with new policy and Grant has recommended we do this. The updated constitution has been reviewed by the Council BID team and recommended as compliant.
The updated Constitution has been posted on our website for you to review, along with a copy of the old/current constitution with proposed changes highlighted.
The following forms will be made downloadable:
Note that in accordance with rule 24.4: No business other than that specified in this notice convening a General Meeting shall be transacted at the meeting.
This notice has been via the following from 1st June 2023; via postal advice, via e-mail, on our website and social media portals.
Whilst any interested party is welcome to attend, the Association’s Constitution stipulates that only full members who are present in person may vote. If you are unsure of your membership status, please contact Jamey on 021 377 508 or and he will assist you to ensure you are eligible to vote.
We look forward to meeting you as attendance at the SGM is open to all and ask that you register your attendance with an RSVP to for catering and administration purposes.
Should you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact KBA General Manager Jamey Holloway via email or by telephone (09), mobile 021 377 508.
AGM 2022
The AGM 2022 was held on Wednesday 19th October 2022 at One Shot Cafe & Restaurant, 82 Karangahape Road from
5:30pm - 7:30pm.
Documents covered:
If you are a KBA Member but are not on our mailing list, please fill out the form in the website footer.
AGM 2021
The KBA Annual General Meeting was held on
Thursday 30th September 2021 on Zoom due to being at Alert Level 3. The presentation used can be
downloaded here.
Documents covered:
If you are a KBA Member but are not on our mailing list, please fill out the form in the website footer.
AGM 2020
Thursday 22 October 2020
At SPACES, 501 Karangahape Road
AGM 2019
Thursday 22 October 2020
At Art Space, Level 1, 300 Karangahape Road
Our guest speaker was George Weeks, a city centre expert from Auckland Council. He shared information about how Auckland will develop over the next decade, putting special emphasis on central city planning and the opportunities that will arise for people and businesses on Karangahape Road.
Thank you for signing up for our newsletters.
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